From a call center representative to an economist, then a humanist, and finally, a development professional—Máté’s journey has transformed him from a lover of processes and structures into someone who grows a human interface in front of his rational thinking.
He has been individually and group-wise developing people for fifteen years, with a keen interest in everyday and corporate communication.
What topics to approach him for?
Anything related to communication, whether it's about salespeople, customer service representatives, leaders, or at the corporate level, in person, online, verbally, in writing, or even without words.
Leadership development individually or in groups, from novice leaders to the board level.
Development of presentation skills in person and online, even in hybrid modes.
Change management, collaboration, conflict resolution, and soft skill development.
Development of salespeople and even phone customer service representatives.
Leadership coaching processes.
Outside the school system, he holds qualifications as a trainer, coach, and mediator. Alongside conducting more than 1500 independent training days for smaller and larger companies, he has written a book (“Hallotok?”), blogs (“Jégtörő”), trains trainers (“Explorer”), teaches at two universities (SZE, MCC), loves cycling, avidly follows football, enjoys coffee and Caribbean rums, should exercise more, but most importantly, he loves the whole experience.