Trainer's HUB
- a community of development professionals -

leadership management sales development change management culture developing


I have longed for the opportunity to work together with the best professionals in the field. Every project of ours proves that collaboration has its place even among competitors, and I am fortunate to be in the position where, one moment, we are competitors with training companies and freelance colleagues, and the next, we are partners, resulting in such great solutions and programs that would be a shame to miss out on.

The greatest innovation lies not in the content, but in elevating professional relationships to a new level. We are happy to take the lead in this, personally, I feel comfortable in this environment and can thrive.

Take a look around our website or contact me using the information below! Let’s talk, let’s shape the future of the developer community together!

Julcsi Tárczy




What is Trainer's HUB?

In Hungary today, there are thousands of professionals engaged in corporate consulting through advisory firms. At the same time, there are numerous experts who haven’t committed to any single consulting company. They work with their own clients, leveraging their individual expertise. Many of them are true masters of their craft, experts in their respective fields. Freelancers, independent professionals – experts.

Trainer’s HUB exists to connect these professionals with large corporations or significant projects that require collaboration from a team of individuals. The platform aims to provide access to trainers, organizational development specialists, coaches, and other professionals in development-related fields who deliver the highest level of expertise.

Why is this approach beneficial for our partners?


The best in a given topic. We are connected with many highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals. We are the right choice when you prefer selecting a professionally excellent team over a brand or a well-known account manager.


Because we don't have unnecessary infrastructure behind us, we authentically embody speed, flexibility, and efficiency. We work without unnecessary frills and embellishments. Straightforward, professionally, and effectively.


Because our experts come from a wide range of fields, and we don't just view things through the lens of trainers and consultants; we build on elements from various professional areas, from psychologists to program producers.


We collaborate with training companies, professional organizations, thinking and acting together to make workplaces better for employees. We aim to provide not only our support but also the best support from their leaders for this purpose.


Adott témában a legjobbat. Sok nagy szakmai tudású és tapasztalt szakemberrel vagyunk kapcsolatban. Akkor vagyunk jó választás, ha egy szakmailag kiváló csapatot választanátok szívesen egy brand, vagy egy jó nevű ügyfélmenedzser helyett.


Mert nincs mögöttünk felesleges infrastruktúra, így hitelesen képviseljük a gyorsaságot, rugalmasságot, hatékonyságot. Manír és körítés nélkül dolgozunk. Egyenesen, profin, eredményesen.


Mert nagyon sokféle területről vannak szakembereink, és nem csak tréner-tanácsadó szemüvegünk van, hanem a pszichológustól a műsorkészítőig mindenféle szakmai terület elemeiből építkezünk.


Együtt dolgozunk tréningcégekkel, szakmai szervezetekkel, közösen gondolkodunk és cselekszünk annak érdekében, hogy a dolgozók egyre jobb helyekké tehessék a saját a munkahelyeiket. És ehhez ne csak tőlünk, hanem a vezetőiktől a legjobb támogatást kaphassák.

Our Solutions

We believe in the integrity of the profession. That knowledge should not be kept closed but shared.

Sales Development

Change Management

Organizational Developement





Our cooperating partners



Süti szabályzat


Digital Business Kft. (Trainer’s Hub)

2051 Biatorbágy, Rákóczi utca 55. A. ép.

Telefon: +36 30 524 0901

© 2023 Website & Design by HumanIQ

A weboldalon a minőségi felhasználói élmény érdekében sütiket használunk.


I have longed for the opportunity to work together with the best professionals in the field. Every project of ours proves that collaboration has its place even among competitors, and I am fortunate to be in the position where, one moment, we are competitors with training companies and freelance colleagues, and the next, we are partners, resulting in such great solutions and programs that would be a shame to miss out on.

The greatest innovation lies not in the content, but in elevating professional relationships to a new level. We are happy to take the lead in this, personally, I feel comfortable in this environment and can thrive.

Take a look around our website or contact me using the information below! Let’s talk, let’s shape the future of the developer community together

Julcsi Tárczy

